Additional Articles
Shortage of Computer Programmers
It's not just the money, it's availability. Even if I had
$60,000 to pay a programmer, they're just not
Finding a Balance between
Learning and Lifestyle
The decision whether to attend college as a full, half or part time
student depends on many
factors. Coupled with this question is the one of employment; whether to
full-time, part-time or at all while attending classes.
Making Your Own Map - Success
at a 2-Year College
Is sometimes assumed that attending a community or technical colleges
is 'easier' than attending a
4-year college or university. Not only is this false, the reverse is often
true. Community and
technical colleges can be more challanging than their 4-year counterparts.
Taking Advantage of Resources
Community and technical colleges have many resources to offer students.
Here are some tips to take advantage of the services and activities provided.
Selecting the RIGHT College
When a future employer reads your resume, are they going to care
about where you went to college?
The answer may suprise you. Once you get past your first job out of college,
most employers
give little consideration to the college name on your diploma.
A Consumer's Guide to the Admission
Admission methods change from one college to the next. For degree
candidates, the selection
process will be more thorough than for non-degree candidates. Most colleges
assume that
degree candidates will enter in the fall term, and the selection process
becomes a yearly
cycle,in one of three ways: rolling, regular or early.
Back to School
A resource for adults planning a return to college