CPN Programs Overview
College Planning Now
College Planning for Adults
College Planning Early
College Planning Training
CPN Administration
CPN benefits
CPN Board

Administration of Educational Benefits for Employees of Corporations and Organizations

Program Objective:
To provide businesses with college planning services for employees and their family members

Workshops (Live &Video Presentations)

Measuring Volume and Quality of Services Delivered

Measuring Client/Customer Outcomes

College Planning as an Employee Benefit

How to plan for college - an on-site presentation for employees and family members. The presentation provides employees and family members with the tools to move through the admission and financial aid process.

Projected by 2003:
1-2 hr., multi-media presentations, offering up to 48 per year, number attending, 2,400

Actual in 1999:
1-2 hr., multi-media presentations, five scheduled, number attending, 250
employees and family members are able to navigate the college admission and financial aid process more effectively.


Measuring Volume and Quality of Services Delivered

Measuring Client/Customer Outcomes

College Planning as an Employee Benefit

Individual on-site sessions with employees and their family members to plan for college

Projected by 2003:
Provide up to 600 individual sessions per year.

Distribution in 1999:
Individual sessions are scheduled and paid by employees/customers
Employees and family members receive direct counseling which facilitrates access to higher education.


Web Site
  Measuring Volume and Quality of Services Delivered Measuring Client/Customer Outcomes

Links to Companies offering College Planning as an Employee Benefit

A directory of companies/organizations offering education benefits with direct links to their Web sites.

Projected by 2003:
Monthly volume is 100,000 visits, 2 million hits. Visits from Pacific NW locations are 35% of volume with an additional 55% from the rest of the U.S. and 10% from international locations. Direct links to company Web sites are active.

Volume in 1999:
Monthly volume is 4,400, 88,000 hits. Demographics are the same as projected above.  
Employees and family members are able to gain instant access to college admission and financial aid information and tools,increasing college enrollment and funding oportunities. Via e-mail, Adults can receive direct college planning advice and referals.