CPN Programs Overview
College Planning Now
College Planning for Adults
College Planning Early
College Planning Training
CPN Administration
CPN benefits
CPN Board
Programs 2000-2003  CPN Board  |  Objective and Service Summary
College planning for high school and college age students 

Program Objective:
To provide increased access to higher education for high school and college students.

Program Services:
Regional workshops
Print and electronic publications
Individual services



Training in college planning for counselors, teachers and administrators
CPN Training

Program Objective:
To provide education professionals with essential information to assist students with college planning.

Program Services:
Regional workshops
Print and electronic publications

Planning for adults returning to college
CPN Adult

Program Objective:
To provide increased access to higher education for adults over the age of 24.

Program Services:
Regional workshops
Print and electronic publications
Individual services


Administration of educational benefits for employees of corporations and organizations
CPN benefits

Program Objective:
To provide businesses with college planning services for employees and their family members

Program Services:
On-site workshops
Print and electronic publications
Individual services


Administration of scholarships for corporations and organizations
CPN Administration

Program Objective:
To give scholarship providers a full-range of administrative services, encouraging greater scholarship opportunities.

Program Services:
Administration of scholarships
Print and electronic promotion
Scholarship program design

College planning for parents of elementary/middle school students
CPN Early

Program Objective:
To provide parents of young children with the tools to succeed in long-range college planning

Program Services:
Regional workshop
Print and electronic publications